Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Chapter 15 - Process Writing

Process writing addresses every day questions in one of three approaches: describing a process, explaining a process, or writing instructions. The describing a process examples provided in this chapter are "Wayward Cells" and "Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow". "Campus Racism 101" is provided as an example of explaining a process. "Downloading Photographs from the MC-150 Digital Camera" is an example of writing instructions.

"Wayward Cells" describes the process of how cancer is introduced into the body, how it becomes an"undifferentiating" cell, how cancer cell's growth is uncontrolled, and how the cancel cells hurt the body. The essay then switches to current scientific research that may lead to cancer cures. The "Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow" essay describes how hair grows (or not) occurs, and how it may lead to "boldness."

The instructions example gives step by step instructions to download photographs from a MC-150 digital camera. The instructions example provides a general structure strategy, step by step instructions, and a closing note. Use of graphics, bold facing of key words, inclusion of reference material for showing relative size all help to creating effective instructions.

"Campus Racism" is provided as an example of process essays.